this is the tomb quiz please copy and paste this quiz into python thx pls dont look at answers

print ('welcom to da tomb quiz') ans = input('are ya ready get yo thinkin cap on? (ya/nah udde i hate quzi): ') score = 0 total_q = 4 if ans.lower() == 'ya': ans = input('numba 1 what is tombs favoritate color ') if ans.lower() == 'add text here': score += 1 print('good job buckaroo') else: print('moooooo you got it incorect') ans = input('numba 12 what is tombphoiba ') if ans.lower() == 'tombphobia is when you are scared of tomb': score += 1 print('good job buckaroo') else: print('moooooo you got it incorect') ans = input('numba 123 how is ya day ') if ans.lower() == 'a bit tomby how bout ya': score += 1 print('good job buckaroo') else: print('moooooo you got it incorect') ans = input('numba 1234 do you wanna tomb with me ') if ans.lower() == 'you should never tomb with someone': score += 1 print('good job buckaroo') else: print('moooooo you got it incorect') print('thx for paying tomb wuiz, ya tomb score is ', score, " questions correct") mark = (score/total_q) * 100 print("how you know tomb: ", mark, " percent!") print('buh bye')